Rosa Linda Cruz
Counseling & Wellness Services, LLC
My Books
Rosa Linda Cruz's children's stories and workbooks are inspired by her grandchildren, students
and community members who have requested fun, engaging and interactive wellness resources.
Focus areas include a wide array of tools using simple steps to incorporate in daily life.
Breathing Techniques Book for Children, Adolescents & Teens
By Rosa Linda Cruz | April, 2021
Colorful illustrations with simple to follow directions. Have you ever wanted to learn a Dragon Breath? or Taco Breath? or a Volcano Breath? Fun, Interactive & Engaging way to Learn many Breathing Techniques.
Journal of Positive Affirmations (2nd ed.)
By Rosa Linda Cruz | Nov., 2021
An SEL (Social Emotional Learning) resource that can be used in educational or personal settings. The positive affirmations in the journal are daily reminders to incorporate in our journey of well being. Recommended for children ages 5 - 18.
Super Hero Students:
Wellness Strategies for You
By Rosa Linda Cruz | April, 2024
A fun, engaging and interactive workbook that allows all ages to learn tools to transition into a calm and self soothing setting. Simple strategies for children and adolescents that can be easily practiced, applied and implemented in their daily routine.
Recommended for all Students.
Técnicas respiratorias para niños y adolescentes (spanish edition)
By Rosa Linda Cruz | Nov., 2021
Recurso SEL (aprendizaje social y emocional) para ayudar a guiar a niños y adolescentes con técnicas de respiración. Las ilustraciones con instrucciones fáciles de seguir lo convierten en una guía interactiva para un aprendizaje divertido.